Monday, August 9, 2010

I have ventured twice to my favorite Dublin bookstore twice looking for new treasures and both times have ended up spending hours looking at this same damn book. It is probably one of the more random books I've ever seen, possibly why I love it so much. Todd Selby and team visited a bunch of homes from the great Karl Lagerfeld to, literally, a bunch of hipsters you've never heard of and wrote a book about it. For some reason the piles of random collections are really interesting, enough so to dedicate an entire book to it. Most of the home owners are disgustingly chic and impossibly creative, which makes peeking into their homes really exciting. The best part about this book is that a lot of the items that fill these fascinating spaces are nothing special really, collections of et figurines or thrift store paintings, but it is the way that they are collected, placed and loved by the owners that leaves me feeling nothing less than inspired. If these pictures don't make you want to go thrift store shopping then you just aren't getting it...and if it weren't for baggage limits and exchange rates, this book would be mine already, but I will have to wait til I get back to the states to call it my own. Life is so unfair.


Photos courtesy of Cool Hunting, which also contains a great interview about the book with cooler-than-you Todd Selby.

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